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How do I become a reseller or wholesaler?

Thank you for your interest in retailing Saalt. If you have not already, please fill out this form with our partner, Faire, so our Saalty sales team can obtain some more information from you. In addition, please email our sales team at [email protected]

How do I request a donation?

Here at Saalt we donate 2% of our revenue to impact efforts. Our impact pillars include menstrual health, education and empowerment, and sustainability. You can learn more about our impact mission and see our impact reports here. If you believe your

Influencer / Social Media / Affiliate / Promotion / Interview / Branding requests / Sponsorship

Thank you for your interest in partnering with Saalt. Please email [email protected] and fill out this form so our team can get some more information. Our marketing team will get back to you if they are interested a partnership. We look forward

What if my product is damaged?

The Saalt Cup and Disc is made of durable silicone that can last up to 10 years with proper care. You can preserve the longevity of your cup by always following Saalt’s guidelines for cleaning, sanitizing, and storing your cup, and by handling your c