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Product FAQs

Cup FAQs

Here are some common cup FAQs. 1. What is the Saalt Cup?. The Saalt Cup is a reusable, 100% medical-grade silicone menstrual cup that collects your flow. It can be worn for up to 12 hours of leak-free bliss. With proper care, your Saalt Cup will last

Disc FAQs

Here are some common Saalt Disc FAQs:. 1. What is the Saalt Disc?. The Saalt Disc is made of 100% medical-grade silicone. It is held in place by its rim in the vaginal fornix to collect your flow. It can be worn for 12 hours and will last 10 years wi

Saalt Wear FAQs

Here are some common Saalt Wear FAQs:. 1. How does Saalt Wear work?. Saalt Wear has a thin gusset that absorbs your flow like a pad. The gusset tech quickly wicks moisture and locks it in. It can replace pads or tampons or be used as a backup to an i